Restorative Justice in Education Coordinator

YWCA Madison Restorative Justice Department is seeking candidates for a Restorative Justice in Education Coordinator position . The Restorative Justice in Education Coordinator is a YWCA staff member placed in schools throughout Dane County to implement Restorative Justice practices by partnering authentically with students, families, staff and administrators. YWCA Madison uses restorative justice to address the school-to-prison pipeline. The school-to-prison pipeline describes a pattern of criminalization of K-12 students linked to decreased graduation rates and increased likelihood of future involvement with the criminal justice system. Students of color, LGBTQ students, and students with disabilities are disproportionately impacted. The Restorative Justice in Education Coordinator should support and deeply understand our vision for Restorative Justice in schools (Vision developed collaboratively by staff members from the YWCA and MMSD’s Restorative Practices Team.): Radically transformed school communities where students, staff, parents, and caregivers are safe, feel they belong, and are actively engaged. All variations within the identities of race, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion, language, ability, nationality, immigration status, age, and class are honored ; each member of the school community is deeply valued and provided with what they need to be in healthy relationship, learn, and grow. The educational experience affirms each person’s authentic self and inspires them to be bold in exploring who they are and might become as members of their communities.

Location: Dane County, WI

Organization: YWCA Madison

To Apply: Restorative Justice in Education Coordinator