Chair/Co-chairs: Ellen Smith
2023-2024 Committee Members: Audrey Conn, Angela Willits, Belinda Velazquez, Tracy Schroepfer, Tally Moses, Russ Portier, Jacquie Boggess, Emmy Roper, & Michael Hoffmeister
Spring 2024 Updates
Please provide an update on any progress your committee has made over the previous academic year. If you have created new goals and objectives, please list those below.
If you continue to work on the objectives listed (in the April 2023 report) please indicate any progress. This information will be added to the above website.
The curriculum committee continued to focus on Goal 3: Equip our students, staff, faculty, alumni, and social work community partners to be social justice leaders who can address diversity, equity, and inclusion in their lives and careers.
Curriculum Committee
- Continue to rollout of the Anti-Oppressive Practice Checklist
- Updated courses learning outcomes to reflect our commitment to anti-racist, anti-oppressive practice, and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.
- Added course materials to our Canvas course on diverse resources and materials to include information on and teaching supports for our neuro-diverse students.
- Continue to partner with the Committee on Diversity on teaching lunch and learns with a focus on DEI
Teaching and Learning
- Retreat January 17th. (32 participants registered) focused on Inclusive teaching and equitable assessments. 9 different sessions were offered. Presenters included; staff from the center for teaching and learning, writing across the curriculum staff, TT faculty and clinical faculty, the library, PhD students.
- Revamped our teaching observation form to reflect our expectations for inclusive classrooms and inclusive teaching. The updated feedback form also includes space to comment on course content related to DEIB and how the instructor facilitate conversations.
Chair/Co-chairs: Ellen Smith
Fall 2021 Committee Members: Committee or Group: Audrey Conn, Angela Willits, Belinda Velazquez, Alice Egan, Tracy Schroepfer, Russ Portier, Jacquie Boggess, Emmy Roper & Seungmi Cho
2021-22 (December) Report Out
#3 Equip our students, staff, faculty, alumni, and social work community partners to be social justice leaders who can address diversity, equity, and inclusion in their lives and careers.
Objective(s): (1) Engage teaching faculty in activities and trainings to improve approaches to equity and inclusion in the classrooms; (2) Refine the anti-oppressive syllabus/course checklist
Current & Future Action Steps/Timeframes:
- Continue to partner with the CoDI on the planning and delivery of lunch and learn learning circles. Goal is to provide one session per semester.
- Review the content of the anti-oppressive checklist and make revisions. In Spring 2022- finalize the checklist and develop a pilot plan
Strategic Plan Progress Report Out April 2021
Committee Name: Curriculum Committee
Committee Members: Ellen Smith, Chair, Russ Portier, Angela Willits, Audrey Conn, Belinda Velazquez, Emmy Roper, Jacquie Bogess, Kelly Forman, Lara Gerassi, Laura Dresser, Marissa Abbott, Rowan Strange, Tally Moses, Tracy Schroepfer
Strategic Plan Goal(s) written out and identified as either Goal 1, 2 or 3
Goal 3: Equip our students, staff, faculty, alumni, and social work community partners to be social justice leaders who can address diversity, equity, and inclusion in their lives and careers.
Action items specific to the goal:
Engage teaching faculty in activities and trainings to improve approaches to equity and inclusion in the classroom.
In all classes, include more readings and assignments that engage students in anti-oppressive ideas and practice.
Progress on goal since February 2021
1.Curriculum Committee members participated in the DEI committee’s discussion on “Recovering Social Work Histories.
- Drafted a competency on anti-oppressive practice
- Reviewed a syllabus checklist for pilot in the fall of 2021
Chair/Co-chairs: Ellen Smith
The AOP (Anti-Opressive Practices) Checklist has been completed and is ready for a pilot. We will be piloting the use of the checklist on several current syllabi in May and June and plan to make revisions over the summer so that the checklist is ready for use department wide in August of 2022.
The AOP checklist is a tangible product that can be used across a variety of educational settings including continuing education training.
Chair/Co-chairs: Ellen Smith
Fall 2023 Committee Members: Audrey Conn, Angela Willits, Belinda Velazquez, Tracy Schroepfer, Tally Moses, Russ Portier, Jacquie Boggess, Emmy Roper, Evelyn Coker & Manveer Kaur
We are still workin on goal #3: Equip our students, staff, faculty, alumni, and social work community partners to be social justice leaders who can address diversity, equity, and inclusion in their lives and careers.
Objective(s): (1) Engage teaching faculty in activities and trainings to improve approaches to equity and inclusion in the classrooms; (2) Refine the anti-oppressive syllabus/course checklist
Our committee has completed the anti-oppressive checklist for course development.
2022-23 Accomplishments
- Continue to have a soft rollout of the Anti-Oppressive Practice Checklist
- Conducted survey of Social Welfare Majors in March 2023 to examine accessibility of the major to undergraduates and to understand the pathway to the major and any barriers.
- Revised exemption and transfer credit policies to remove barriers for students to receive credit and reduce requirements to re-take classes.
- Developed a subcommittee charged with creating a Canvas course to support faculty enhancing their use of diverse resources and materials during the creation and revisions of courses.
- Updated one course title (Family Violence Course) to reflect more inclusive language.
- Continue to partner with the Committee on Diversity on teaching lunch and learns with a focus on DEI
- On January 19, 2023, we held a teaching retreat focused on Inclusive teaching and equitable assessments. 12 different sessions were offered, and 35 instructors and advisors attended the sessions. Topics included equitable assessments, abolitionist teaching in social work, using the AOP checklist, integrating anti-oppressive practices into asynchronous courses, using a system lens to connect macro-isms to micro practice, nurturing student engagement and equitable participation, trauma informed teaching, media multiplicity and source diversity, LBGTQ+ inclusivity in the classroom, and how to support students struggling with significant life events.