Field Education Committee

Chair: Audrey Conn 

2023-2024 Committee Members: Katie Larsen-Klodd, Ron Chance, Ellen Smith, Alice Egan, Amanda Ngola, Amanda Zuehlke, Tim Latimer, Amy Basel, Erica Anderson, Michael Hoffmeister, Zoe Townsend, and Kye Fields 

(PCC):  Amanda Ngola, Amy Basel, Ryan Estrella, Jamie Kuhn, Robin Matthies, Erica Anderson, Fabiola Hamden, Stephanie Lozano, Mary C. Vasquez, Marc Herstand, Francie Smith Saposnik, and Cassie Sedlacek    

Spring 2024 Updates 

Please provide an update on any progress your committee has made over the previous academic year. If you have created new goals and objectives, please list those below. If you continue to work on the objectives listed (in the April 2022 report) please indicate any progress. This information will be added to the above website. 

#3 Equip our students, staff, faculty, alumni, and social work community partners to be social justice leaders who can address diversity, equity, and inclusion in their lives and careers.  

Objective(s): The need for a stronger, more focused, and collective effort towards enhancement in DEI content throughout all field seminars and training for agency supervisors.  Increased consistency between the PTP and FTP seminars is also desired.  

Current & Future Action Steps/Timeframes: 

  • Continue to update and create DEI practice questions and require the integration in all field seminars and supervision in the field.  
  • Review and add literature on DEI to the BOX folder for all field faculty to use in seminar and their work with agency supervisors.  
  • Use the CAPE as a way to measure, and compare, student assessment of DEI in the Field Education Program.   
  • Continue networking/partnering opportunities with agency supervisors, community partners and alumni, with the aim of increased awareness and resource/experience sharing to increase collective DEI efforts. 
  • Fall 2023 Agency Supervisor Workshop; Reconnecting to Purpose-Driven Practice: How to Model and Inspire Change-Making presenter Alicia Trevino-Murphy, MSW. 
  • Partner with representatives from the Student Union to explore paid field placements; Pay for Placement (P4P.) 
  • Supervised an advanced practice MSW student who participated in various committees and focused on identifying barriers in the curriculum and field program.  The SRSSW provided a field placement stipend to the student. 
  • In partnership with the Interprofessional Committee (IPE) Professor Tracy A. Schroepfer, PhD, MSW, MA delivered a keynote on interprofessional practice, “Together We Are Better: The Importance of Interprofessional Collaboration”.  The second part of the event included the Symposium where students will present their Change Agent Projects. The Symposium highlighted the work that students, along with their agency supervisors, have contributed to making a difference in their field placements and community.  This event took place on April 17 with students, community and campus partners, and faculty and staff present. 
  • In collaboration with the Professional Consultative Committee the Sandra Rosenbaum School of Social Work in 2023 the Social Justice in Action Award was created.  This award honors a member of the community who demonstrates commitment to and advocacy for advancing diversity, inclusion, and social justice.  The second recipient will be awarded at the Fall 2024 Agency Supervisor Workshop. 

Is there anything your committee would like us to highlight for our DEI report to L&S?  

  • There is a strong commitment by our community partners in working collaboratively on DEI issues in the field. 

Chair/Co-chairs: Audrey Conn and Amanda Ngola 

Fall 2021 Committee Members: Committee or Group:  (FEC) Amy Basel, Ellen Smith, Ron Chance, Kathryn Larsen-Klodd, Alice Egan, Amanda Zuehlke, Tim Latimer, Jake Dunn, Erica Anderson (PCC Representative), Michael Hoffmeister (PhD student), Ellen Robison (FTP MSW Student) Haleigh Carter (PTP MSW Student), and Khara Bufford  (PTP MSW Student) 

(PCC):  Amy Basel, Ryan Estrella, Jamie Kuhn, Robin Matthies, Erica Anderson, Fabiola Hamden, Stephanie Lozano, Mary C. Vasquez, Marc Herstand, Francie Smith Saposnik, and Cassie Sedlacek   

2021-22 (December) Report Out  

Equip our students, staff, faculty, alumni, and social work community partners to be social justice leaders who can address diversity, equity, and inclusion in their lives and careers. 

Objective(s): The need for a stronger, more focused, and collective effort towards enhancement in DEI content throughout all field seminars and training for agency supervisors.  Increased consistency between the PTP and FTP seminars is also desired. 

Current & Future Action Steps/Timeframes: 

  • Continue to update and develop DEI practice questions and require the integration in all field seminars and supervision in the field. 
  • Review and add literature on DEI to the BOX folder for all field faculty to use in seminar and their work with agency supervisors. 
  • Provide Agency Supervisor Workshops via Zoom to ensure accessibility across the state. Becoming an Antiracist Social Worker (Fall 2021) and Racial Equity and Ethics (January 2022). 
  • Collaborate with Eddie May and develop a “part 2” to Centering Intersectionality in Supervision workshop with a focus on more skill building (Fall 2022) 
  • Use the CAPE as a way to measure, and compare, student assessment of DEI in the Field Program.  The matrix will be used to measure change in syllabi from year to year. 
  • Continue with networking/partnering opportunities with agency supervisors, community partners and alumni, with the aim of increased awareness and resource/experience sharing to increase collective DEI efforts. 

This goal is a continuation of last year’s goal and remains a significant area of focus and work given the needs of the program and community. We hope to grow our collective work. 

Strategic Plan Progress Report April 2021

Committee Name:  Field Education Committee (FEC) and Professional Consultative Committee (PCC)

Committee Members:  (FEC) Amy Basel, Ellen Smith, Ron Chance, Kathryn Larsen-Klodd, Alice Egan, Amanda Zuehlke, Tim Latimer, Jake Dunn, Liz Premo (PhD Student), Lindsey Zblewski (PTP MSW Student), and Ashley Ploessl (FTP MSW Student)

(PCC):  Amy Basel, Ryan Estrella, Jamie Kuhn, Robin Matthies, Erica Anderson, Fabiola Hamden, Stephanie Lozano, Mary C. Vasquez, Marc Herstand, Francie Smith Saposnik, and Cassie Sedlacek.

Strategic Plan Goal 3: Equip our students, staff, faculty, alumni, and social work community partners to be social justice leaders who can address diversity, equity, and inclusion in their lives and careers.

Objective: We will review and update all field syllabi with a focus on curricular transformation. Starting in academic year 2021-2022 all field seminars will increase content from primary sources (articles, guest speakers), and lesson topics and plans that more fully reflect non-majority perspectives in social work.  This could include curricula around critical race theory, working across difference with white clients, identifying strengths in and contributions from historically marginalized populations, utilizing cultural humility, and other related topics. In other words, enrich and enhance content to address a broad understanding of global issues including historical and current contributions from non-majority groups and individuals.  Furthermore, this objective serves to ensure students are seen and heard, their identities are reflected in seminar, and they have a broader, more balanced understanding of the field of social work and its practices.

Progress on goal since February 2021

Progress towards Goal #3 include identifying resources to increase/enhance syllabus content, collaboration from field faculty, and support from FEC and PCC.  In partnership with the Curriculum Committee, we will use a common rubric for reviewing field syllabi.  We will also implement a peer review process of all field syllabi.

Spring 2021 and summer 2021 will entail a significant amount of effort in updating all field syllabi for 2021-2022.  We are committed to continuing to locate DEI resources for field instructors to integrate into the field seminar content.  We will rework and require the Practice Questions of the Week centered on DEI; enhancing integration of content and practice in every field seminar.  All field instructors will provide agency supervisors/preceptors the course syllabus and readings to integrate into weekly supervision to strengthen conversations and awareness of DEI.

A CANVAS site will be utilized by all field instructors to access and share DEI resources.  Agency supervisors and preceptors will also have a CANVAS site with access to resources to continue support DEI and supervision efforts.  The CANVAS sites will be updated regularly with a range of resources; articles, webinars, and social media.

As we continue to aim for a stronger, more focused, and collective effort towards enhancement in DEI content throughout all field seminars, we will also increase consistency between the PTP and FTP seminars.  We will continue to enhance and strengthen not only workshops; but supports and resources for agency supervisors, preceptors, and community partnerships.  This would focus on DEI in student professional development and supervision.

Chair/Co-chairs: Audrey Conn & Amanda Ngola 

  • Spring Agency Supervisor Workshop via Zoom to ensure accessibility across the state. Racial Equity and Ethics (January 2022). 
  • Continue to update and develop DEI practice questions and require the integration in all field seminars and supervision in the field.  
  • Review and add literature on DEI to the BOX folder for all field faculty to use in seminar and their work with agency supervisors.  
  • Use the CAPE as a way to measure, and compare, student assessment of DEI in the Field Program.  The matrix will be used to measure change in syllabi from year to year.  
  • Continue with networking/partnering opportunities with agency supervisors, community partners and alumni, with the aim of increased awareness and resource/experience sharing to increase collective DEI efforts.  
  • Enhancing supervision skills with an anti-racist framework through agency supervisor training and materials. 
  • The Curriculum Committee and the Field Education Committee collaboration on the development of the anti-oppressive practice (AOP) syllabus checklist.  This document will be used to review and assess various elements of syllabi and course development.   

This goal is a continuation of last year’s goal and remains a significant area of focus and work given the needs of the program and community. We hope to grow our collective work.  

There continues to be a strong commitment by our community partners in working collaboratively on DEI issues in the field. 

Chair/Co-chairs: Audrey Conn

2022-2023 Committee Members: Katie Larsen-Klodd, Ron Change, Ellen Smith, Alice Egan, Amanda Ngola, Amanda Zuehlke, Tim Latimer, Amy Basel, Erica Anderson, Michael Hoffmeister, and Elaina Stoffel

(PCC):  Amanda Ngola, Amy Basel, Ryan Estrella, Jamie Kuhn, Robin Matthies, Erica Anderson, Fabiola Hamden, Stephanie Lozano, Mary C. Vasquez, Marc Herstand, Francie Smith Saposnik, and Cassie Sedlacek

#3 Equip our students, staff, faculty, alumni, and social work community partners to be social justice leaders who can address diversity, equity, and inclusion in their lives and careers. 

Objective(s): The need for a stronger, more focused, and collective effort towards enhancement in DEI content throughout all field seminars and training for agency supervisors.  Increased consistency between the PTP and FTP seminars is also desired.

Current & Future Action Steps/Timeframes:

  • Continue to update and create DEI practice questions and require the integration in all field seminars and supervision in the field.
  • Review and add literature on DEI to the BOX folder for all field faculty to use in seminar and their work with agency supervisors.
  • Use the CAPE as a way to measure, and compare, student assessment of DEI in the Field Program.  The matrix will be used to measure change in syllabi from year to year.
  • Continue with networking/partnering opportunities with agency supervisors, community partners and alumni, with the aim of increased awareness and resource/experience sharing to increase collective DEI efforts.
  • Partner with representatives from the Student Union to explore paid field placements; Pay for Placement (P4P.)
  • Supervised an advanced practice MSW student who participated in various committees and focused on identifying barriers in the curriculum and field program.
    • Created a CANVAS site for the ASWB exam.  This site was developed with resources and various supports for students and alum.
  • In collaboration with the Professional Consultative Committee the Sandra Rosenbaum School of Social Work 2023 Social Justice in action Award was created.  This award honors a member of the community who demonstrates commitment to and advocacy for advancing diversity, inclusion, and social justice.  The first recipient will be awarded at the Fall 2023 Agency Supervisor Workshop.