The following is just a sample of the 32 students who received full-ride tuition scholarships from the school in 2020-2021. In total, the school awarded 70 scholarships in 2020-2021. An additional 29 students received tuition and stipends through the Title IV-E program.
Lilian Loera
It is my dream to become a social worker to help families overcome the many obstacles that they are faced with. The city of Madison lacks social workers from diverse racial and economic backgrounds and different life experiences. A master’s in social work from the UW will allow me to continue working with children and their parents. I want to thank you again for your generosity. Now I will be able to continue this dream of mine.
Savana Stuhl
I hope to use my MSW Degree to work in a mental health setting after graduation. I am interested in how mental health and public health are related and hope to work to increase access to affordable mental health services for those who need them most throughout my career.
Jaquelle Williams
By awarding me the scholarship, you have lifted my financial burden, allowing me to focus more on the most important aspect of school: learning. … I am committed to my education and am one step closer to becoming a pillar of hope within the social work community by helping others and ensuring safety of children. I hope one day I will be able to help my future students achieve their goals just as you have helped me.
Robert McInnes
During my undergrad program there were many opportunities that presented themselves that I had to decline because of working my full-time or part-time job. Being relieved of the financial stress that accompanies graduate school, I will be able to take advantage of these opportunities in the future that will help me develop my skill level as a social worker while serving members of my community.
Christina J. Bichner
My dream is to help myself and others unpack and process trauma and break intergenerational cycles for our future youth. … This incredible scholarship will benefit me and my children, and most importantly, the thousands of children, teenagers, and families I am dedicated to helping in my lifetime as a social worker.
Roberto Godinez
Throughout my personal life, academic career, and employment, I have devoted myself to the empowerment of other members of my community, and this scholarship is aligned with those efforts. I, too, have witnessed the powerful impact a social worker can have on transforming the lives of others, and that is what inspired me to seek a degree in social work.
Janessa Smyth
Receiving this prestigious award will allow me to focus on learning more about issues of inequality that are most prevalent within the Madison community and will give me time to join and/or contribute to the organizations that work to combat these issues. I am very grateful to have much of the burden of financial stress lifted by receiving this award, and I am excited to see what I can accomplish with this freedom.
Kara Anderson
I would like to develop a more culturally sensitive, trauma-informed social emotional curriculum for children and families in Wisconsin and beyond. … I chose to study social work because I believe that children and families thrive in an environment in which resources are collaborative and comprehensive, and social work practice supports this.
Alice Caceres-Turcios
Ever since high school, I knew I wanted to help people with their mental health. It wasn’t until I was researching graduate school programs that I realized that to help people with their mental health, you must look at their environment. As a native Spanish speaker, I want to help fill the gap of bilingual social workers. … I enjoy learning about topics such as diversity, oppression, marginalized communities, and my own identity as a future social worker of color.