What is Advanced Generalist Social Work Practice?

Advanced generalist social work practice refers to the skills, knowledge, and values necessary to address complex problems and situations across multiple levels and systems. Advanced generalist social workers draw on an eclectic knowledge base to inform specialized direct and indirect practice skills to effectively address complex pressing individual and social problems.

All accredited social work programs are required to build a foundation of generalist practice where students learn the value base of the profession and begin to practice in a variety of roles competently, under direct supervision, with varying sizes and types of systems, using different modalities of practice. The Sandra Rosenbaum School of Social Work offers an “advanced generalist” specialization, which enhances and extends the generalist foundation, which is built on a student’s prior liberal arts education. The advanced generalist specialization is completed in the advanced year of our MSW program.

Pyramid shape showing how Advanced Generalist Practice is built upon a generalist foundation, which in turn is built on a liberal arts education.

Specifically, our advanced generalist practice specialization builds on and extends generalist practice in the following areas:

  • Populations and related social-problems/issues
  • Social, health, and/or human services systems and policies
  • Systems of oppression, privilege, and power
  • A multilevel, multimethod and multidimensional approach
  • Ethical advocacy and social, economic and environmental justice
  • Reflective leadership
  • Research-informed practice and practice and program evaluation methods that contribute to the profession’s knowledge base

We believe our advanced generalist curriculum prepares our students to be leaders in an increasingly diverse and global environment, marked by diminished resources, devolution of responsibility for social welfare from the federal, state and local governments, and the growing privatization of services.

The advanced generalist practice specialization provides knowledge and skills in:

  • direct services
  • administration
  • management
  • advocacy
  • system reform
  • the effects of social policies

As advanced generalists, we expect students to develop advanced and in-depth knowledge of the theories, empirical research, and other literature on practice with individuals, groups, families, organizations, and communities, and do not privilege one type or level of analysis over another (see Micro, Mezzo, and Macro Practice). The analysis of social problems is decidedly multifaceted and integrative.

Is advanced generalist practice the right fit for you? Find out more about our MSW Programs:

Full-Time Program Part-Time Program MSW Application

Further reading on the advanced generalist framework that informs our curriculum:

Vecchiolla, F.J., Roy, A.W., Lesser, J. G., Wronka, J., Walsh-Burke, K., Gianesin, J., Foster, D.,  Negroni, L.K. (2017). Advanced generalist practice. Journal of Teaching in Social Work, 21,  91-104.

Lavitt, M.R. (2009). What is Advanced in Generalist Practice? A conceptual discussion. Journal of Teaching in Social Work, 29,461-473.

Dakin, E.K., Quijana, L.M., Bishop, P.S., & Sheafor, B.W. (2015). Best of both worlds: A conceptual model for integrating an aging specialization within an advanced generalist MSW program. Journal of Social Work Education, 51,535-549.