Reentry & Reapplication Instructions
Reentry Instructions for Previously Enrolled MSW Students
Previously enrolled MSW students are eligible to reenter the MSW program if they:
- left in good standing
- have been gone from the program no more than 5 years
- completed either 8 credits in the Full-Time Program; OR 6 credits in the Part-Time Program
You must email the Graduate Admissions Coordinator (GAC) of the MSW program in which you were previously enrolled to determine if you qualify for re-entry.
Part-Time Program:
Full-Time Program:
If you qualify for re-entry, the Graduate School requires that previously enrolled graduate students complete a Graduate Application. Scroll down to the section on “Previously Enrolled Graduate Students” for details and instructions. You will not need to include transcripts nor will you need to submit a personal or analytic essay. However, you will need to answer the supplemental application questions.
Deadlines: Previously enrolled Full-Time Program students looking to reenter the program for Fall semester must have their application completed by February 11th to guarantee a field placement. Previously enrolled Part-Time Program students looking to reenter the program for Fall semester must have their application completed by May 15th to guarantee a field placement. For Spring or Summer semesters, it is recommended that the application be completed at least six weeks before the semester begins.
Reapplication Instructions
Previous applicants and those who do not qualify for reentry, are welcome to reapply to the MSW Program, but must submit a new application. Re-applicants are those who:
- Had been accepted into our program, but never enrolled.
- Had been denied admission into our program.
- Had been dropped from the program.*
- Enrolled but did not complete enough credits to be readmitted:
- 8 credits in the Full-Time Program
- 6 credits in the Part-Time Program
* Previously enrolled students who were dropped from either the Full-Time or Part-Time Program are required to contact the Graduate Admissions Coordinator (GAC) of the MSW program in which you were enrolled at the time of being dropped for the next steps. The application deadline is January 10th for both Full-Time and Part-Time Programs.
Part-Time Program:
Full-Time Program:
We do not consider old application materials and we do not defer admission to future semesters. All reapplications are reviewed and rated again along with the current applicant pool. A previous rating has no effect on your new application.
For more information, please see the UW-Madison Graduate School’s Policy on Readmission.