Professor Emerita Dr. Mary Ann Test, whose work helped create what became known as Program of Assertive Community (PACT), passed away on January 31, 2025. This biography was written by Professor Emeritus, Jan Greenberg. Dr. …
Research news
News items related to research in the school to be posted on the research page.
In the News: Alejandra Ros Pilarz Quoted in Cap Times
Wisconsin child care costs soar, but thousands miss out on state aid “If you’re eligible for a subsidy and there’s just no child care in your community, or no providers that accept subsidies, that’s going …
Associate Professor Pilarz: Work-Family Balance Begins Before Childbirth
Associate Professor Alejandra Ros Pilarz gave a talk recently as part of the “Big Ideas” series for the Work and Family Research Network. In the talk, “Work-Family Balance Begins Before Childbirth — Work-Family Policies Should, …
Newly Appointed Professorship: “Sheila B. Kamerman and Alfred J. Kahn Professor of Social Policy” for Lonnie Berger
Professor Lonnie Berger, a prolific scholar, educator, campus leader, and one of the nation’s most recognized researchers in social work and social policy, has become the Sheila B. Kamerman and Alfred J. Kahn Professor of …
Four Fantastic Social Work Faculty Receive Tenure
Congratulations to four of our outstanding social work faculty members who received tenure this past year and have officially become Associate Professors as of this month. Their research, teaching, and service help make the Sandra …
Dr. Lauren Bishop Recognized with H.I. Romnes Fellowship
Congratulations to Associate Professor, Lauren Bishop, who was one of 13 faculty honored with the H.I. Romnes Fellowship which recognizes “exceptional research contributions within [the faculty member’s] first six years from promotion to a tenured …
PhD Student Evelyn Coker Selected as GEDI Scholar of the American Evaluation Association
Congratulations to PhD Student Evelyn Coker who was selected as a Graduate Education Diversity Internship (GEDI) Scholar of the American Evaluation Association (AEA). The GEDI program “provides paid internship and training opportunities during the academic …
PhD Student Laura Zimmerman Accepted into Mentorship Program
Congratulations to PhD students Laura Zimmerman who was recently accepted into the Advancing Diversity and Equity in Pre-Doctoral Trainees (ADEPT) Program. This program is a “mentored professional development program that supports PhD students enrolled part-time …
New Podcast Episode Features Work of Dr. Tova Walsh
“Health Affairs’ Editor-in-Chief Alan Weil interviews Tova Walsh of the University of Wisconsin-Madison on her recent paper that explores perinatal mental health and the inclusion of fathers at the local, state, and national levels.”
Audrey Conn, Director of Field Education, Celebrated with Mid-Career Award
Audrey Conn, Clinical Professor and Director of Field Education, was celebrated on April 17th as a recipient of an Academic Staff Mid-Career Award from the UW-Madison College of Letters and Science. Audrey‘s nomination was supported …