Radical Care: Abortion Accompaniment as Resistance to Gendered Violence in Mexico

Celina Doria, PhD, MSW

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School of Social Work, Room 220
@ 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

This will be the first lecture for the new Critical Perspectives on Interpersonal Violence Speaker Series

In Mexico, women and gender-expansive people experience multiple scales of violence, from sexual assault and feminicide to obstetric violence and other forms of state violence. These harms are compounded by lack of access to safe reproductive healthcare services, particularly abortion care. In response to acts of gender-based violence, abortion advocates—known as acompañantes—have developed innovative strategies to facilitate abortion care for pregnant people marginalized by the state. This talk draws on interviews with Mexican acompañantes, highlighting how their radical model of abortion accompaniment confronts and resists the forms of violence experienced by those seeking abortion care.

This event is sponsored by CORE, (Collaborative for Reproductive Equity) and the Sandra Rosenbaum School of Social Work Committee on Diversity, Sexual Violence Research Initiative