Celina M. Doria
Credentials: PhD, University of Chicago; MSW, University of Michigan
Position title: Assistant Professor
Email: cdoria@wisc.edu
Phone: (608) 263-4631
215 School of Social Work
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Dr. Celina Doria (she/her) is a critical qualitative social work scholar whose work addresses questions at the intersection of reproductive justice, gender-based violence, and state violence. Her research centers the embodied experiences of marginalized women and pregnant people as they navigate, resist, and heal from intersecting inequalities and oppressions.
Dr. Doria’s research explores the central tenets of reproductive justice—the intersectional praxis that advances the right to bodily autonomy, including the right to have children, to not have children, and to parent children with safety and dignity. For example, her research has centered Indigenous women’s testimonies of interpersonal violence and reproductive healthcare, incarcerated women’s strategies of mothering while incarcerated, and experiences of self-managed abortion. Her current research examines the role of feminist abortion accompaniment networks in reshaping the landscapes of abortion care between Mexico and the United States.
Dr. Doria engages various qualitative methods, from in-depth interviews and ethnography to participatory arts methods like body mapping. Her approach to qualitative research is rooted in critical feminist theories, with the explicit goal of promoting reproductive freedom, health equity, and social justice.