Jennifer Braunginn
Credentials: MSSW, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1982; BA Social Work, University of Wisconsin-Madison,1976
Position title: Senior Teaching Faculty II; Post-MSW SSW Project Manager
Phone: (608) 772-7730 (mobile)
204 School of Social Work
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Jenny is a School Social Work Specialist who focuses on children, youth, and families as well as post-MSW Special students needing School Social Work licensure courses. She worked for many years in K-12 schools as a school social worker and department chair. Her expertise and experience also include racial justice advocacy and training; community organizing, union work and collaboration with community programs.
She was a contributing author to a School Social Work Practice Guide for the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction and is currently co-authoring a book chapter in the book New School Social Worker: The Art of Being Indispensable titled, “Self-care and Self-advocacy: Keeping Cool while Increasing Engagement.”