Marah Curtis

Credentials: PhD, Columbia University, 2005; MSW, Hunter College, 1995; BFA, Marymount Manhattan College, 1990

Position title: Vilas Distinguished Achievement Professor


Phone: (608) 263-3838

202 School of Social Work

Curriculum Vitae
Marah Curtis in front of a white wall

Marah Curtis’ research focuses on how differences in housing conditions, benefit policies and contextual factors affect the health and well being of families. Concerns that families that are eligible for or take-up a benefit may differ from non-recipients in ways that are associated with housing and health outcomes are inherent challenges to understanding the role of policy in reducing pressing hardships. Her research focuses on how policies designed to improve the quality and stability of housing, or, that regularize income are effective in doing so as well as meeting broader goals such as decreasing economic hardship.