Quentin Riser
Credentials: PhD, Human Development and Family Studies (HD FS), Iowa State University, 2020
Position title: Faculty Affiliate
Email: qriser@wisc.edu
Quentin Riser is an assistant professor in Human Development and Family Studies in the School of Human Ecology at UW-Madison. His research examines the ways in which birth, child, family characteristics, and public policies influence children’s cognitive and social-emotional development as well as family well-being. He is also interested in applications of quantitative research methods and study design in developmental and family sciences, and he leverages secondary, administrative, and other data sources in his work.
In one current line of work, Dr. Riser investigates the link between early income instability and later academic, behavioral, and health trajectories and the mechanisms linking the two. He specifically focuses on economic investment and psychological stress as potential mediators. In another strand of research, Dr. Riser evaluates the psychometric properties, sociodemographic (i.e., race/ethnicity, gender, and poverty status) invariance, and external validity of social-emotional skills using nationally representative data.
Dr. Riser’s work aims to inform the development and implementation of evidence-based policy and interventions at local, national, and international levels.