Belinda Velazquez
Title: Senior Student Services Coordinator (and Academic Advisor)
How long have you been in your current position? How long at the school?
I have been at the School of Social Work for 15 years
What are the main reasons students, faculty, or staff would contact you for assistance?
Main reasons why students, faculty and staff would contact me would be regarding student academic issues to include scheduling, grades, progress reports on how students are doing in classes, class permissions, and anything else related to student academic success.
What’s one effective (or ineffective) strategy you’ve used to work remotely during Covid?
An effective strategy I have used while working remotely during Covid 19 has been blocking times specific to different tasks. I have set blocks of time to answer emails, set times to work on projects and for student appointments. Less interruptions while working remotely has helped me be very efficient with work progress!
What’s a recent book, movie, tv show, podcast, or album (or other) you would recommend and why?
I terms of recommendations, I will admit, I have done less reading for fun, just because I spend a lot of time sitting during work. I would say anything that makes me move has worked best for me. So I have taken up organizing closets, drawers, etc… while listening to music. That’s my fun time! LOL I love to listen to regueton while I clean, organize or cook. Regueton is very popular in my Island of Puerto Rico 🇵🇷
Hobbies/other interests:
I spend time walking, swimming laps at my gym and just hanging out with my daughter, and visiting my parents in town.