Steph Van Pay
(She, Her, Hers)
Title: Program Coordinator for the Part-Time MSW Program
How long in your current position? 5 ½ years
How long at the school? 7 ½ years (including my MSW student days)
What are the main reasons students, faculty, or staff would contact you for assistance?
If they had any Part-Time MSW Program (PTP) related questions they could contact me since I oversee daily operations at both the Madison and Eau Claire sites. I am the historian/gatekeeper in a sense for the PTP.
What’s one effective (or ineffective) strategy you’ve used to work remotely during Covid?
Microsoft Teams, power naps, and M&Ms.
What’s a recent book, movie, tv show, podcast, or album (or other) you would recommend and why?
Schitt’s Creek – makes you laugh & makes your heart happy – and Gilmore Girls -it’s a classic feel good show
Hobbies/other interests:
gardening, 80’s/90’s boy bands, dogs, and the Green Bay Packers.