Get to Know: Emmy Roper, Graduate Coordinator/Enrollment Representative

EmmyEmmy (Emmanuelle) Roper


Title: Graduate Coordinator/Enrollment Representative

How long in your current position? How long at the school? Six months

What are the main reasons students, faculty, or staff would contact you for assistance?
As the coordinator for the PhD program, I am the admissions contact for prospective students, and student support for current and graduated students. As the Enrollment Rep for the school, I work with Russ Portier on class and classroom changes, and I handle enrollment requests and permissions.

What’s one effective (or ineffective) strategy you’ve used to work remotely during Covid?
Updating my technology has been the single most effective strategy I have implemented since starting to work from home.  A powerful computer, dual screens, and Wi-Fi amplifier has made working from home almost seamless. A strategy that comes in as a close second is having sensory toys available for use during meetings, webinars, and long workdays.

What’s a recent book, movie, tv show, podcast, or album (or other) you would recommend and why?
I just finished all nine seasons of The Office and I would recommend it as a funny escape.  I suggest supporting your local movie theater by seeing Tenant. It only took me a week to finish both the 7 ½ Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle and the first Plague of the Dead books, because they were so good!  Very suspenseful.

Hobbies/other interests:
Working from home has given me the gift of time, and I use it to cook and bake, go to the gym, and garden. I enjoy listening to podcasts, and every day I catch up on the news with the podcasts NPR Up First, and The Daily. Now that fall/winter is here, I will spend more time taking my dog to the dog park (rather than walking him). Our cats are big cuddlers and sometimes there is a fight for attention.  We have dogs and cats living together! Mass hysteria!