David Barger
Title: Department Manager
How long in your current position? How long at the school? 5.1 years for both.
What are the main reasons students, faculty, or staff would contact you for assistance?
I manage HR, finance, grants, and building issues. If I can’t help you in those areas I can find someone who can.
What’s one effective (or ineffective) strategy you’ve used to work remotely during Covid?
I have ineffectively tried to set up different workstations around the house (computer downstairs, laptop in living room, ipad in kitchen) but then I found I was checking email whenever I walked in one of those rooms, even at night. I have since scaled back to only the computer downstairs and put the ipad somewhere it is harder to reach.
What’s a recent book, movie, tv show, podcast, or album (or other) you would recommend and why?
I am currently obsessed with podcast You’re Wrong About. Basically two reporters doing deep dives into different topics (Princess Diana, DC snipers are two of my faves) which are very informative and the hosts are super engaging.
Hobbies/other interests:
I like to read (currently reading biography of Jerry Garcia), cook, play with my children, and play guitar.