Assistant Professors Receive Grant Promoting Maternal and Child Health

Dr. Jessica Pac
Dr. Jessica Pac
Dr. Alejandra Ros Pilarz

Assistant Professor’s Jessica Pac and Alejandra Ros Pilarz received a grant from the UW-Madison Prevention Research Center (UWPRC) to study the effects of state pregnancy accommodation laws on maternal and infant health. The UWPRC grants support research promoting maternal and child health and health equity. Grants are intended to support small-scale and innovative research projects, especially those that will provide preliminary data leading to larger research efforts.

Dr. Pac is motivated by the notion that that pre- and postnatal inequalities drive adulthood disparities. Identifying the causal impact of investments and the respective timing of insults to early development forms the basis of her investigation. Dr. Pilarz’s research examines how parental employment, child care, and early education experiences contribute to young children’s development.