The second cohort of Harriet & Sandra Rosenbaum Scholars entered the school this past fall. These awards provide a year of full tuition and fees, plus a stipend for several full-time MSW students each year and provides two years of support for several part-time MSW students. The purpose of this scholarship is to aid newly accepted MSW students who have financial need and a long-term commitment to working in the social work profession following graduation. These scholarships are made possible by the generosity of Joel F. Berman.
Harriet & Sandra Rosenbaum Scholarship Recipients 2019-20
Jasmine Goins, Roxanne Krausert, Amanda Lo, Majorie Lopez, Aracely Becerra, Brian Benford, Sage Miller, Morgan Sparks, Mercideze Vanbruggen, Nerissa Vogt
Admission Awards
In addition, these MSW students received other presitigous admission scholarships from the school this past year:
Jessica Aguilar: Helen I. Clarke Scholarship
Sheri Meland: Lois Palmer Shimpa Memorial Scholarship
Pajnag Moua: Topitzes Family Scholarship
Kadijha Marquardt-Davis: Advanced Opportunity Fellowship
Rachel Warren: Advanced Opportunity Fellowship